Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ayurvedic Powders

I have wore my hair in its natural form for a couple days shy of a month. I must say it has been interesting and a learning experience trying to adapt to my curls. Honestly, I never thought I had it in me to wear my hair in its natural state. I must be 100% honest.... It is time consuming. Nothing about my hair is easy. The Bantu Knot out is definitely my go to hair style. I love the way it curls my hair however, doing the knots daily is not the business. Taking them out every morning isn't either. I found myself almost being late to work each day. So I decided to put my hair back in braids for 6-8 weeks.
 Yep... Boring old braids again but jeesh Louise!!!! I didn't have the time to keep doing my hair. My goal is length retention therefore I must get my hands out my hair everyday so it can grow

Now as many may or may not know, I henna my hair. Funny cause my mom has used henna on my hair since I was a small kid. I remember being sent out side to play with mud on my hair and other kids asking," Why is there mud on your hair." And I would reply, "IT IS NOT MUD...IT IS HENNA!!!" 

During this natural hair journey I have come across something called Ayurvedic powders. Ayurvedic means knowledge of life and is a term used to describe a Hindu system of traditional medicine to India and a form of alternative medicine. Not only are Ayurvedic powders great for your hair.... They are also wonderful face masks. 
As for my reasons for wanting to try these.... Hell Henna has never failed me... It's used by Indians, I rocked weaves with nothing but virgin Indian hair, and I love Chicken curry... There is it... That's my reason don't judge.  
Since coming of age and taking care of my own hair, never have my hair and scalp been on the same page. When my hair is growing beautifully my face looks like a teenager who pigs out on chocolate as a main course. When my face is as smooth as a baby butt, my hair is breaking out like crazy. So during the journey one of my goals is to get them to work as a cohesive unit. While my hair is in braids I am gonna take this time to work in my skin. Now let's be clear... I drink more than my share of water per day.... Probably to much water. 

While making my trip to little India for my Henna, I decided to pick up my first set of powders.
Initially I was gonna use them on my hair but since I put this crop in braids I will use them on my skin. 

I bought Amala, Tulsi and Brahmi. Since I'm working in my skin I will focus on the benefits of these for the skin. When I begin to use them for my hair I will focus on that. If you wanna know RAT NOW... Feel free to research them. The mask I decided to make was a mix is Amala and Tulsi. 

Derived from the Indian Goosberry fruit. 
Skin benefits:
- cleanses and reduses pores size while tighening and brightening the skin
- known for its rejuvenating powers
- purest form of vitamin C, 20 times higher than orange juice. 

Known as the Holy Basil and part if the mint family. 
Skin benefits: 
- antiseptic and antibacterial properties 
- treat blemishes and acne
- deep cleanser. 

With my research I did learn when using the Amla you must wash your face. Appearnetly the pore closing and skin tightening is so good that it will trap dirt in the pores cause other issues. I must save my Brahmi powder for my hair.  It has more hair benefits than skin... Actually no skin benefits. Brahmi is more of a remedy for people with chronic hair problems.nit can make hair dark, dense and lustrous. It strengthens the roots thus controlling thinning and hair loss. Massaging it into the scalp clears dandruff and controls premature graying. It also does something for the nevous system... More than I was willing to learn at this time.... Oh and something bout sound sleep but I will dig deeper into this as I start to use it for my hair. 

So I added equal parts if each powder 2 tablespoons each and mixed with water to make a paste and applied on my face. 

I left it on for bout 20 mins and stored the leftovers in the fridge  Now what Im not gonna say is some  miracle occurred and my face was beautiful. But what I will say is the mask felt great on my skin. I definetly felt the mint in the a tulsi powder. When I washed it off, my face did feel tight. Not a drying tight you get from soap but a strangely moistured tight. I didn't feel like I needed a moisturizer.  

Next morning, I still feel the tightness of my skin. I read that the mask can be applie twice a day. But HUNTYYYYY I barely had time in the morning for my hair. That being said, I damn sure don't have time for a 15-20 mask. 
Now I still put my Mac powder on cause let me just be honest.... It's my crutch and helps blend my skin. But it's my hope to free myself of my Mac addiction as well with the use if these powders. 

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