Monday, January 20, 2014

Been a minute... So let's catch up!

I have no excuse... NONE!!!! We'll wait.... Maybe I do. Between daily life and preparing for a promotional exam.... Ya girl been swapped. But now that it is over and I am awaiting my results, this is a good time to get back on my blogging tip. Where shall I begin??? Well......

December 22.... I did my final chop. That is what was left of my damaged hair. I really didn't think I had heat damaged hair until my natural curls came out. It became painfully obvious why I could not achieve the looks it aspired to have. This hair curled but the curl was not the same as my roots. This is when I realized I was fully committed to the natural hair life. Well.... If I punked out there are always weaves LOL!!!! are the before and after pics 
The picture on the left is the night before my chop. Picture on the right is the next day after the chop. As you can see my curl definition improved by ten folds. As a result of this improved curl definition....I have a better regimen now that I am able to see the effects of products. 

my choice products with the best resutls are simple:

Nevermind the chips in the back. is how I get down on wash day....First I do a EVOO and honey pre poo...let that marinate for at least an hour or two. then co-wash with the Trader Joe conditioner which is the TRUTH!!!  or the Shea Moisture co-wash both are great.  When If feel my scalp requires a good cleaning I use my Dr. Bonners Hemp Rose shampoo which is fused with so many oils it barley lathers. 
Deep conditioning.......well lately I have been using Naturalhairscapes deep conditioner with goat milk...OMG!!! I just can't explain how my hair reacts to it. Granted the damn can of goat milk cost me 4.99 but I SWEAR it is so worth it. Besides....I freeze the left over milk. Here is the link to that recipe: 

When I need something already made, I use my Shea Moisture deep conditioning mask.  However, I have added Olive oil, black castor oil and peppermint oil to the conditioning mask. Basically I had those oils to everything. I also dug deep...deep in the back of my garage and pulled out my hooded dryer. This has taken my deeping conditioning to the next level. 

NOW that Apple Cider Vinger with peppermint oil, tea tree oil and rosemary loves my scalp. That is my final rinse. 

My styling process is still a work in progress. I love Kimmaytube leave in conditioner together with the Kinky Curly styling custard. My hair doesn't feel heavy. The Shea Moisture Curl enhancing smothie and 
Gel Souffle is my other alternative. Trust me when I say a little goes a long way....A LITTLE GOES A LONG LONG WAY!!! 

Since my mini chop my Bantu Knots are not responding because my ends are blunt. So with trial and error I have perfected using perm rods on a two strand twist out. Trial and error has also taught me the grey rods work best. I reset my hair every three days with a light water and oil spray along with which ever setting process I used previously.  I don't like mixing products.  Between sets I simply put on my bonnet and gently fluff in the morning with oil on my hands. 

Am I loving my hair...YES!!!! I love everything about it. For so long I believed I had "bad hair" I was told this as a child. NEVER in my wildest dreams did I know my hair is this awesome...a perfect mix of loose curls in the back  of my head (4a) and tightly defined curls everywhere else (4b). We still have our bad days but lately the good has outweighted the bad. are some photos of me and my hair because we are a pair. my workstation has the best lighting....LOL!!!! Till the next time....Peace, Love, and Curls!!!! 

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