Sunday, March 23, 2014

Downtown Los Angeles Adventure

My last two weeks of this 8 week protective style has me on an adventure downtown Los Angeles in the garment district. WHY you my ask.... I am on the hunt for scarves I like.
Check out that new growth
Downtown OOTD

So I put on my comfy downtown outfit and hit the concrete streets of Los Angeles. Before we get into my adventure, let me tell you how much I LOVE downtown. I LOVE the old building and the history they hold, I LOVE the construction of the buildings, I LOVE the hustle and bustle of the street. SO to warn you...there is will plenty of shots of downtown Los Angeles.

Now the garment district....what can I tell you except it was some kinda exciting!!!

Now the reason I am downtown in search of scarves is due to my extreme picky style of colors. Basically I don't do alot of patterns and bright colors. I have searched long and hard in stores and on the internet leaving in discuss because I don't like either the look of the scarf or the crazy price.  So the DIY'er in me said, " Daphne, find the material to make you own damn scarves!" AND that is what I did.

After going to different material store fronts I ended up at Micheal Levines located near 9th and Maple. My friend Sharon suggested this would be the best place to get material.

Once inside (which I don't have pics of) she suggested I get material with stretch. $21bucks later and one yard each, I ended up with these 4 colors.

Black, off white, burnt orange, Grey and chocolate brown. Now let me tell you bout this material. Because these are like a jersey stretch material, there is not need for me to get the cut ends hemmed. They curl on their own. BIG bounus...because I save additional monies.

I ventured out on the cold hard skreets and got two additional patterns material. Imma be 100....not sure bout that striped pattern but for can I go wrong. NOW that giving me life. I can't wait to rock it. The only problem, this material does fray therefore I must get them hemmed. NOW I must find a seamstress to put a simple hem and not charge me more than the material cost.  You can kinda guess, my next purchase will be a sewing machine. 

Here I am playing with 3 of the colors. Keep in mind I have my braid bun on the top of my head. I tell ya....I am excited to do my next 8 weeks once these braids are out in two weeks. 

This is the grey one. SMH at that big ass knot at the top.

So that is it adventure for scarves in the colors I like.  When I begin to rock them, trust and believe pics will follow. Till next time....Love, peace, and curls.

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