This has been a long ass week. I'm not gonna lie. The only thing pulling me through was the package I was expecting at the end of the week. Remember as a kid you had... Well I had the favorite aunt that lived out of state. Now just imagine that favorite aunt texting you that she has sent you a package. But before you receive the package she teases you with a hint of what's inside. Can you understand my anticipation??? My subscription to curlBOX is like that favorite aunt sending me a Christmas package.
Fortunately for the UPS guy.... I have been so consumed by my work. I have been so exhausted coming home that I have not had time to stalk the website. But today... Friday March 14th my favorite aunt package arrived. YAY!!!!! YAY!!!!
curlBOX is a monthly, twenty five dollar natural hair subscription. Each month you will receive different hair products with a guarantee of one full size product. My luck with curlBOX has me thinking I should play the lotto because I have received really great boxes..... But this March box.... FIYAHHHH!!!! Now I will not be able to do a review for 2 weeks. That is when I will be removing my braids. I have decided to use this line on my hair when I remove my braids.
Where do I begin??? Hell at the gate!!!!