Sunday, March 23, 2014

Downtown Los Angeles Adventure

My last two weeks of this 8 week protective style has me on an adventure downtown Los Angeles in the garment district. WHY you my ask.... I am on the hunt for scarves I like.
Check out that new growth
Downtown OOTD

So I put on my comfy downtown outfit and hit the concrete streets of Los Angeles. Before we get into my adventure, let me tell you how much I LOVE downtown. I LOVE the old building and the history they hold, I LOVE the construction of the buildings, I LOVE the hustle and bustle of the street. SO to warn you...there is will plenty of shots of downtown Los Angeles.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March curlBOX

This has been a long ass week. I'm not gonna lie. The only thing pulling me through was the package I was expecting at the end of the week. Remember as a kid you had... Well I had the favorite aunt that lived out of state. Now just imagine that favorite aunt texting you that she has sent you a package. But before you receive the package she teases you with a hint of what's inside. Can you understand my anticipation??? My subscription to curlBOX is like that favorite aunt sending me a Christmas package.  

Fortunately for the UPS guy.... I have been so consumed by my work. I have been so exhausted coming home that I have not had time to stalk the website. But today... Friday March 14th my favorite aunt package arrived. YAY!!!!! YAY!!!! 

curlBOX is a monthly, twenty five dollar natural hair subscription. Each month you will receive different hair products with a guarantee of one full size product. My luck with curlBOX has me thinking I should play the lotto because I have received really great boxes..... But this March box.... FIYAHHHH!!!! Now I will not be able to do a review for 2 weeks. That is when I will be removing my braids. I have decided to use this line on my hair when I remove my braids. 

Where do I begin??? Hell at the gate!!!! 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Braid Spray

So as you all know I am rocking braids right now. I am no stranger to the braids and growth. Please understand I am an 80's teen. I have had my hair in all types of styles in braids. Some excellent and some that ripped my edges out.

Over the years I have come to understand my hairs grows excellent in braids. In the past what I did was simple.... Install the braids and don't worry about them for 2... Maybe 3 months. Recently.... Well the last 6 years I realized my scalp health and cleanliness effects my face. Yes.... When my hair/scalp is dirty or greasy.... My face break out like a teenager eating a grip of chocolate. My scalp must be clean and free of grease buildup in order to keep my face clear. Right..... The struggle.

This complication is what lead me on my natural hair journey. I needed to be able to wash my hair more frequently and doing so with a press was breaking my hair off. So when I decided to wear braids again.... My scalp was my main concern. How would I be able to keep my scalp happy without washing my braids?