Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Ayurvedic Powders

I have wore my hair in its natural form for a couple days shy of a month. I must say it has been interesting and a learning experience trying to adapt to my curls. Honestly, I never thought I had it in me to wear my hair in its natural state. I must be 100% honest.... It is time consuming. Nothing about my hair is easy. The Bantu Knot out is definitely my go to hair style. I love the way it curls my hair however, doing the knots daily is not the business. Taking them out every morning isn't either. I found myself almost being late to work each day. So I decided to put my hair back in braids for 6-8 weeks.
 Yep... Boring old braids again but jeesh Louise!!!! I didn't have the time to keep doing my hair. My goal is length retention therefore I must get my hands out my hair everyday so it can grow